24 February 2009

Best of the Best. South America

Best country? P&M- Ecuador
Best sight? P&M -Machu Picchu and Perito Moreno Glacier
Best people watching spot? Plaza de Armas in Santiago, Chile for the fountain swimmers and religious crazies
Best hike? Huayna Picchu
Best route? Quilotoa Loop in Ecuador
Best weather? Banos and Mindo in Ecuador. Not Quito!
Best hostel? Itao Cabanas in Puerto Lopez, Ecuador (minus the larger than life spiders) Hammock, mosquito net, fresh paint job, clean sheets and bathroom, including full breakfast for 2 for $16. Not too shabby.
Best budget country? Ecuador, then Peru, then Argentina, then Chile.
Best snack/street food? P- Salcedo ice cream, hands down. M-Empanadas
Best meal? P- Rice with pasta, potatoes, corn and bread. jk. Prob Vegetarian almuerzos in Quito. M-Grass fed Argentinian steak.
Best drink? P- Pilsener beer in Ecuador and Soda water(thanks dani). M- Wine in Argentina
Best fruit? P- Tree tomato. M- Guava
Best shopping? P- Tied between Otavalo for the indigenous market and the colorful boutiques in Buenos Aires. M- Otavalo
Best Spanish phrase? P- Limpia tu mama! M- "Insert word here" no mas.
Best souvenir? P- Jewelery in Ecuador, Alpaca everything in Peru, Antique seltzer bottle from Argentina. M- Indigenous purses in Ecuador, Alpalca sweater in Peru
Best museum? P- Evita Museum in Argentina. M- Guayasamin Museum in Ecuador
Best beach? Iqueque in Chile, but aint much to write home about
Best park? Perito Moreno Glacier National Park in Argentina. Wow.
Best wildlife sighting? P- Flamingos in Patagonia. M- Boobies!

There you have it folks. South America was a blast. We tried to sum up the best, but here's some bonus advice, especially for those planning a trip...

Go to Ecuador. Skip Chile. Unless you are hitting Patagonia in Chile. But lets get real, go to El Calafate if you're headed to Patagonia. Dont be afraid of Quito. Head to Hospital Metropolitano in Quito for organ removal. Learn Spanish. Re-learn Spanish in Chile because they dont pronounce most of their letters and are damn proud of it. Re-learn Spanish in Argentina because they replace most of their syllables with a "sh" and are damn proud of it. Go to Eastern Peru, skip the coast especially if coming from a city. Don't drink too much in Ecuador or Peru, the altitude helps in that department. Land travel into Chile or you'll have to pay $135 at the border. Carry $135 cash if you're American and plan to enter Bolivia. Don't bother getting malaria tablets or a yellow fever vaccination before you come, they're ridiculously cheap here. But you'll need three people (Thanks Mabe!) Take a salsa lesson in Ecuador and a tengo lesson in Argentina. Bring a mutli tool with a corkscrew. Trust us. Always carry antibac and tissues. Again, trust us. Get yourself an ISIC card if you can score one. Stock up on motion sickness pills. You'll need them. Ear plugs wouldn't hurt either. Eat Salcedo ice cream. Eat empanadas. Pick and eat avocados. Eat everything blackberry, and drink the blackberry juice. Wear sunscreen in Patagonia. Your skin will thank you. Rent bikes but bring a seat cushion for the 60km downhill ride from Banos to Puyo. Your ass will thank you.
See you in Asia!


Jen Epstein said...

Love it! You guys are hilarious.

ilana said...

thanks for the advice, i enjoyed it all.....:)
miss you guys!