18 July 2009

European Tarantulas...

are really, really scary.

For the past 9+ months (it's actually been for the past 5+ years, but who's counting), M has assumed the role of "taking care" of any scary, gross or otherwise questionable critter situations that we've come across. Usually these situations come and go and barely phase M...this was NOT the case when we encountered a tarantula in the shower of the old home we were staying in! The sight of this beast had us both screaming and shaking for a while before we calmed to decide what to do. Details of this encounter are better off told in person, so do ask when you see us next. Oh and if you're really lucky you can "watch" the video footage* of M "taking care" of this monster.

*= video footage is actually a 3 minute ordeal of M&P screaming obscenities while all you actually see on film is shaky, blurry concrete since P was too shaken up to focus on the subject.


P said...

thats still scary!

evangelia said...

hahaha i want to see this video!